Start Your Journey the Right Way
Financial Planning
Identifying your financial goals and resources is important for designing a successful financial plan. We will analyze cash flow, debts, savings, investments and retirement accounts and help develop a roadmap to achieve a prosperous future.
We’ll provide allocation guidance according to your risk tolerance and financial goals.
We operate as a two-way road, channeling mediation guidance through certain life-phases that will overall assist in the construction of your financial agenda.
We realize the importance of building your portfolio and believe that a long-term collaborative relationship allows for the best result.
Retirement Analysis
and Planning
Guiding you toward a long retirement
We assist clients with retirement planning by reviewing the balance between needs and resources. Accurate analysis requires careful consideration of cash flow needs, lifestyle changes, and goals for a successful retirement.
We run different scenarios with varying assumptions about spending, inflation, investment growth, and longevity. We help establish appropriate withdrawal strategies for retirement and help with important decisions related to retirement planning:
- Funding pre-retirement accounts to create income sources in retirement
- Consolidating accounts to simplify your retirement life
- Actively involving your employer sponsored 401k or 403b
- Analyzing company pension plans and assistance in electing payout options
- Discussing life insurance and long-term care insurance
- Suggesting when to collect Social Security
- Helping clients make the transition from being a saver to becoming a spender
Securing a long and comfortable retirement is as simple as joining our family
Investment Advice and Asset Management
Build a successful financial portfolio
Investment vehicle selection is important, but so is diversified asset allocation and rebalancing. FPIS, Inc. reviews portfolios on an ongoing basis and provides recommendations to clients for rebalancing funds among different investment categories within each client’s unique portfolio.
As an independent advisory firm, we are not aligned with any broker-dealer or family of mutual funds. We are free to utilize the best investment vehicles we can find. Being a fee-only advisor, FPIS, Inc. uses primarily no-load, transaction fee mutual funds and exchange traded index funds (ETF’s).
We invest for the long-term with our primary search criteria for investments including low expenses, a long-term track record and a strong reputation among fund families. We are not market timers and don’t make predictions about short-term market behavior. Instead we react to market conditions and leave our emotions out of the process by sticking to a disciplined game plan for the long-term. Put simply, our re-balancing strategy is to buy low, sell high as we return to predetermined targets for investment categories with each re-balancing opportunity.”
Create value through tax efficiency
Our tax department is very knowledgeable about taxes. We offer tax planning, estimates and preparation of returns for most individuals. We consider the tax impact of investment changes, retirement withdrawals, collecting Social Security, required minimum withdrawals from retirement accounts, inheritance and other important events. Tax planning is another way to enhance advisor alpha and build long term relationships with clients.
Tax planning comes in many forms
- Tax Bracket Management
- Roth Conversions
- Harvesting Investments Gains or Losses
- Funding Appropriate Accounts During the Accumulation Phase
- Planning for Health Insurance “Gap” Years
- Strategies for Healthcare During Gap Years
- Charitable Gifting Strategies
- Withdrawal Strategy for Retirees
- Medicare Income Thresholds
Smart and efficient tax planning saves you money
Taking care of your family’s future
We are not estate planning attorneys and do not sell insurance because we are a fee-only firm, but we have an extensive amount of knowledge on both subjects. We offer open discussions to educate clients on various insurance types and estate planning concepts and work with outside trustworthy professionals.
A look at estate planning documents is generally necessary to make sure your goals are achieved. Estate planning typically involves checking beneficiaries, considering trusts, possible lifetime gifting and preserving assets for your family. When estate planning topics and insurance require specialized advice or action, we can help lead you to trustworthy experts in these fields.
Enjoy the adventure of higher learning
Setting aside funds for your family’s education is important. We discuss the pros and cons of 529 College Savings Plans, Educational Savings Accounts, Roth IRA’s, Unified Transfers to Minor accounts and general savings. As with any financial goal, we help formulate plans based on needs and resources for providing realistic support for education.
Our job is to provide you with the knowledge that makes completing a college education an exciting and pleasant adventure.